Private Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Therapy
Adults, Couples and Adolescents

Congratulations on your
upcoming wedding!*
Congratulations on your
upcoming wedding!*
I am a Twogether in Texas approved provider for premarital therapy. Once you complete your sessions with me, you will get a certificate that will help save you on your marriage license fees through the Twogether program.
I have used Prepare/Enrich for premarital [and marital therapy] for many years. My husband and I were asked to use it when we got married and I liked it so much that I sought out the training so I could provide this wonderful service to other couples who wanted to invest in their marriage as much as their wedding.
In the first session, we will meet and I will get to know more about you as a couple and as individuals. With that information, I will select the Prepare/Enrich on-line assessment that best suits your needs - religious or non-religious, married previously, co-habitating, step kids involved etc. After you take the test, I get a detailed report for us to work from. The advantage is that the test gives us a lot of information in a short period of time that might not come out in the time we have to do your premarital therapy. Within the sessions and using the assessment, we will look at your relationship strengths and weaknesses and I can custom tailor your sessions to meet those needs. You will also get a version of the report and a workbook for you to use during this process. I like Prepare/Enrich because it emphasizes skills as well as personality issues and both are important in helping you to be prepared for this new chapter of your lives together. I often supplement the materials provided by Prepare/Enrich with information and resources I have found to be helpful for couples over the years. We will address issues such as communication, financial goals and management, parenting [either future or blending families], sexuality, role expectations and what type of family you each grew up in and more.
There are six sessions in the series and I recommend at least a week or two between sessions for you to discuss and practice what is covered in sessions. Sessions are 90 minutes long and are $ 220 due at the time of the session. If you pay for all six up front, you save 10% total. Most people want after school/work sessions and these tend to fill up first. I encourage you to plan ahead and make your appointments in such a way as to not feel rushed through this important process.
I look forward to talking with you more about this exciting chapter in your life. Please feel free to contact me at 817-441-9973 or lpc.ward@yahoo.com
*NOTE: If you are already married and seeking marital therapy, the process is the same although we may need more than 6 sessions depending on your specific issues. There is not a discount for sessions however.